Aquiles Serdán 494 If you need to get online to message us for any reason you should be able to connect to our wifi. The WiFi network is PVKIDRGUEZ and the code is 6124245445 You should be able to conntect standing outside of the apartment.
Step 2
Aquiles Serdán 494 Puerto Vallarta Mexico
Step 3
This is the front door, the lock box will be on the upper right side inside the gate.
Step 4
This is where the lockbox is. The iron gate will be open, just pull it towards you it will not be locked
Step 5
You can enter the code 1080 after you slide open the cover
Step 6
Enter the code 1080 and slide down the black lever on the left. The key will be in the inside.
Step 7
Take the key out and close the lock box
Step 8
If you need to get on line to contact us here is the wifi code The WiFi network is PVKIDRGUEZ and the code is 6124245445 If you have to call Adriana’s number is 322-150-6516 If you can only call a USA number it is 612-424-5445