Self Check in Casa Vizcarra 2

Step 1:

I am going to give you instructions for self-check-in. The first photos are the front of the building and the entrance into the building.
The address is 492 Aquiles Serdan. I have circled in red where the lockboxes are.
WiFi network: casa vizcarra
WiFi password: 6124245445

Step 2:


If it is dark the light switch is circled in red, there is an inside light and outside light.

Step 3:


You will see 2 lock boxes, you want number 2
The code is 1972

Step 4:

You will get your keys inside this lock box to enter the main gate and enter the two doors to the apartment.
The code is 1972

Step 5:

The keys will be inside.
Close the box after you take the keys out and change the numbers on the box so no one can see the code.

Step 6:

Go down the hall and to your right UP the stops to the second floor.

Step 7:

Up to the second floor, the door is on your right

Step 8:

Up to the second floor, the door is on your right. There will be one key for the padlock (circled in red) and one key for the door knob.

Step 9:

If you need to get online to message us for any reason you should be able to connect to our wifi. The WiFi network is casa vizcarra and the code is 6124245445

Step 10:

When you check out you will return the keys back to the lock box, again the code is 1131